dataacl host properties

Name Value Count
userRole string 1 User or role name to which ACL applies.
userGlob string 0+ Glob pattern of matching user names.
Default = *
userRegex string 0+ Regex pattern of matching user names.
hostGlob string 0+ Glob pattern of matching host names.
Default = *
hostRegex string 0+ Regex pattern of matching host names.

If both a glob and regex are defined for a user or host, then the regex pattern will be ignored.


Simple acl host

{ "userRole": "admin", "userGlob": "root" }

userRole: admin userGlob: root

Complete acl host

{ "userRole": "admin", "userGlob": "root", "hostGlob": "localhost" }

userRole: admin userGlob: root hostGlob: localhost

Complex acl host

{ "userRole": "developer", "userGlob": "www", "hostRegex": "devsvr\\d{1,2}" }

userRole: developer userGlo: www hostRegex: devsvr\d{1,2}

See also