commandsuser service

Show, reload or refresh the BeyondCron servers user service.


user service (refresh|reload|show)

refresh the current user service. This is useful when you wish to ensure that changes made to users/roles in an external user service are reflected immediately within BeyondCron.
reload the user service after making one or more config changes. If the configuration variable beyondcron.user.service is unset, this will have the effect of disabling the external user service.
show details of the current user service.

read (show), admin (refresh/reload) on /_beyondcron/services


Show the user service details

BeyondCron % user service show

User service Unix – connected 14:43:58 23/05/2020

Load or reload the user service

BeyondCron % user service reload

Refresh the user service

BeyondCron % user service refresh

Attempt to refresh the user service, when no user service is configured

BeyondCron user service refresh

No user service configured

See also

  • user service AD
  • user service AWS
  • user service Unix