commandsjob property

Set/clear a job property. Properties are defined as environment variables when a command job is executed, and parameters when calling a url.


job property set name [secret] [type] property value
job property delete name property
job property unset name property

set the specified property.
delete the specified property.
unset the specified inherited property.
name of job whose property to set/delete.
secret property whose value is only visible to users that have write access to the job.
type of property. If not defined, it will be set to the default for the job type.
environment set as a environment variable, when executing a command. Default for command and container jobs.
header header property within url requests.
parameter URL parameter for get requests, and content parameter for post, put & delete url requests. Default for webhook jobs.
resource container resource requirement for container jobs. e.g. cpus = 1
variable properties are not visible outside of the job definition, but can be referenced anywhere a variable can be referenced, including within other properties. Default for email jobs.
property to set/delete.
value to set property to. If not specified an empty property will be defined. See variables for available variables that can be included in the message.

write on name


Add a property

BeyondCron % job property set /examples/server/reboot PATH /sbin:/bin
BeyondCron % job show $$

----------- -------------------------------- Name /examples/server/reboot Description Weekly reboot ... Properties PATH: /sbin:/bin

Change a property

BeyondCron % job property set /examples/server/reboot PATH /sbin
BeyondCron % job show $$

----------- -------------------------------- Name /examples/server/reboot Description Weekly reboot ... Properties PATH: /sbin

Add an empty property

BeyondCron % job property set /examples/server/reboot DEBUG
BeyondCron % job show $$

----------- -------------------------------- Name /examples/server/reboot Description Weekly reboot ... Properties PATH: /sbin DEBUG:

Delete a property

BeyondCron % job property delete /examples/server/reboot DEBUG
BeyondCron % job show $$

----------- ----------------------- Name /examples/server/reboot Description Weekly reboot ... Properties PATH: /sbin

Add a secret header property

BeyondCron % job property set /examples/webhooks/private-property secret header x-api-key g577uiO1As4qBqE…
BeyondCron % job show $$

----------- ------------------------------------------------- Name /examples/webhooks/private-property Description Call an AWS webhook with a private header API key ... Properties [secret header] x-api-key: g577uiO1As4qBqE...

Property listing as seen by a different user without write access to the job:

BeyondCron % job show /examples/webhooks/private-property

----------- ------------------------------------------------- Name /examples/webhooks/private-property Description Call an AWS webhook with a private header API key ... Properties [secret header] x-api-key: ****************

See also