commandsjob history

List the history of a job.


job history [result …] [full] name [last [n] unit]

result of jobs whose history to list.
success job completed successfully.
failed job did not complete successfully due to an error, exception, or was missed or killed.
error job completed with an error.
exception an exception was encountered when running job.
missed job execution was missed, typically because one or more conditions were not met, or it was already running.
killed job was killed.
full include full history of job.
name of job whose history to list. name supports both group wildcards, /group/* which will match all jobs with a group, and recurisve wildcards, /group/** which will match all jobs within or below a group. If name is a group, then it will be treated as a group wildcard. e.g. / and /* are equivalent.
last specify how much history to list.
n duration. Default = 1.
unit of n. Where unit is one of second[s], minute[s], hour[s] or day[s]. Default = day

read on job


List history of a job

If not specified, job history will list the last days history.

BeyondCron % job history /examples/webhooks/random-user

Start time Run time Result ------------------ -------- ------- 16:06:50 yesterday 0 Missed ... 09:36:54 today 1 Success 09:42:59 today 0 Success 09:48:59 today 0 Success

List the full history of a job for the last hour

BeyondCron % job history full /examples/webhooks/random-user last hour

Timestamp Start time Run time Trigger Result Code Output Message ------------- ------------------------ ------------ -------- ------- ---- ------ -------- ... 1633906494359 11/10/2021 09:54:54 AEDT 00:00:00.000 Schedule Success 200 Yes OK 1633906859354 11/10/2021 10:00:59 AEDT 00:00:00.000 admin Success 200 Yes OK 1633907214349 11/10/2021 10:06:54 AEDT 00:00:00.000 Schedule Success 200 Yes OK

List jobs within a group which have failed in the last day

BeyondCron % job history failed /examples/webhooks/*

Name Start time Run time Result ----------------------------------- ------------------ -------- ------ ... /examples/webhooks/private-property 13:58:11 today 0 Error /examples/webhooks/private-property 14:28:18 today 7 Error /examples/webhooks/private-property 14:58:11 today 0 Error

List jobs within and below a group which were missed in the last 3 hours

Beyondcron % job history missed /examples/**

Name Start time Run time Result ---------------------------------- -------------- -------- ------ /examples/flow/complex/combination 11:00:00 today 0 Missed

See also