commandsACL overview

ACLs (access control lists) are used to control command usage within BeyondCron. ACLs can be applied to groups, or specific jobs or calendars within the BeyondCron tree. ACLs are composed of one or more permissions and the user/role to which they apply.


1 default ACLs

2 group ACLs

3 calendar/job ACLs

Default ACLs

Any ACLs applied to the root group “/” apply to all sub groups, jobs and calendars, unless more specific ACLs are applied.

Group ACLs

When one or more ACLs are applied to a group, these will override the default and any parent group ACLs.

Calendar/job ACLs

ACLs can be applied to individual calendars and jobs, providing granular access to BeyondCron if required.

System defaults

When first initialised BeyondCron will have the following ACLs.

Name User/Role Permissions
/ admin admin+
everyone read
/calendar admin admin+
everyone read


See also