bc-agentservice Kubernetes

This is a scheduler service which executes jobs within a Kubernetes cluster.

Environment variables

beyondcron.agent.service Kubernetes
BEYONDCRON_DIR_CONFIG location of configuration directory.
kubernetes.config Name of a configuration file containing Kubernetes service configuration variables. If not an absolute file name, BeyondCron will search BEYONDCRON_DIR_CONFIG, the directory in which bc-agent was started, and ~/.KUBERNETES_CONFIG for this file. Default = kuberenetes.yaml
If the value of KUBERNETES_CONFIG, contains one or more newline “\n” characters, then BeyondCron will attempt to parse it directly.

If KUBERNETES_CONFIG is not defined or does not exist, then the Kubernetes default config files $KUBECONFIG or $HOME/.kube/config will be used if they exist.

See also

  • service container Mesos
