Sunrise/Sunset scheduling
BeyondCron supports sunrise/sunset scheduling, which can be used for example to turn on security lighting at sunset, and off again at sunrise. As with all BeyondCron schedules, sunrise/sunset schedules adjust automatically for daylight saving time.
Which sunrise/sunset?
BeyondCron supports four types of sunrise/sunset:
- Astronomical – the center of the sun is 18° below the horizon.
- Civil – the center of the sun is 6° below the horizon.
- Nautical – the center of the sun is 12° below the horizon.
- Official – the leading (sunrise) or trailing (sunset) edge of the sun is 50’ below the horizon.
Which city?
BeyondCron supports approximately 3,000 cities, these are cities that are national or adminstrative capitals, or have a population over 500,000.
Job start time
The job start time is based upon sunrise/sunset, with an optional offset before or after. e.g. 30 minutes before civil sunset in Honolulu.
- GeoNames – City source data