Schedules, triggers & conditions

BeyondCron has three methods for initiating the execution of jobs, which can be used separately, or in combination.


Schedules are time based events, such as cron expressions, or something more complex such as sunrise in Tokyo.


Job J is executed whenever schedule S’ triggers within job calendar Jc.


Execute at 09:00 weekdays, except for Japanese holidays.


Triggers are external events, such as the success or failure of another job, and can be used to assemble a job flow.


Job J is executed whenever jobs T’ or T" fail.


Execute whenever jobs /examples/trigger-[12] fail.


Conditions are an extension upon triggers. The key difference being that in order for a job to be initiated, all conditions for a job must be met.


Job J is executed whenever job C’ or C" completes successfully, and the other jobs state is also success, and both were executed after the last execution of J.


Execute whenever both /examples/condition-[12] jobs complete successfully.


When a job has a schedule, and one or more conditions, the job will only execute on the jobs schedule, providing that any conditions are also met.

Schedules, triggers and conditions

Job J is executed whenever schedule S’ triggers within job calendar Jc, and the state of job C’ is success, and was executed after the last execution of J.

Schedules, triggers and conditions

Execute 09:00 Japanese weekdays when job /examples/condition-1 is success.

See also